Friday, September 28, 2007

Generating Images - Not Easy - Not Impossible

As you can see by my previous posts, I am attempting to generate images and am having sporadic success. Try as I might, I could not import my avatar. I will try again tomorrow with help from Karen Dull.

I went to The Generator Blog and explored a few of the tons of sites. I created my blues name - "Steel Eye" Nelly Nicholas. I went to Easystreet - Make Your Own Street Sign and made one, which I successfully downloaded to my blog. While I was at it, I downloaded a picture of my adorable great nephew Danny. But I wasn't able to put it all together with text and in a great format. I'll seek help tomorrow for that. For now, I have No Time to Generate and must move on.

First I went to Kitten Images but I ended up with a link to the page rather than an image of a kitten. Maybe I'll try that again.

I did try it again -- unsuccessfully. I also successfully, I thought, downloaded my avatar. It shows up fine in preview, but when I try to publish, it won't publish. Maybe that problem can be solved next time.

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